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MATH 4317 Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes



                                                                                               FALL 2015 (Sec: 01, N = 3)


Responses: Strongly Agree=5, Agree=4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, Strongly Disagree=1



Q1 The design of the course helped me achieve its learning objectives..............................................5.0

Q2 Overall, I learned a great deal from this course. ...............................................................................5.0

Q3 The course material was delivered clearly..........................................................................................4.0

Q4 The instructor was generally available to students seeking advice.................................................5.0

Q5 The instructor(s) stimulated my interest in the subject....................................................................5.0

Q6 The instructor's teaching aids/methods including technology helped students learn.................5.0

Q7 Overall, the instructor is a good teacher.............................................................................................5.0

Q8 Gives students the opportunity to participate in class discussions when appropriate.................5.0

Q9 Treats each student with dignity, consistence, and fairness.............................................................5.0

Q10 Papers, projects, and/or exams were graded and returned in a timely fashion..........................4.0

Q11 Additional comments – Strengths and areas for improvement.


  • She is very dedicated to making sure that everyone in the class is engaged and learning in the class. Her lectures are filled with a variety of ways to engage students and she is passionate about inspiring creativity within the classroom.

  • I honestly did like her class a lot, there were a few times that she went really fast, but that was only for when she did long proofs, which is understandable.

  • She rocks!

  • Lectures and explaining work not the board in an understandable fashion.



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