Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Lamar University Math Department, TX (July 2018).
Presentation title: An Overview of Functional Outliers.
Math Department Seminar, Lamar University Math department, TX (March 2018).
Presentation title: Robust Sparse Functional Regression Model.
REDtalks, Lamar University, TX (February 2018).
Presentation title: You Can Do It: The Power of Grit.
Math Club Seminar, Lamar University Math Department, Beaumont, TX (November 2017).
Presentation title: Overview of Actuarial Exams: First Step Towards Developing Lamar Actuarial Club.
International Indian Statistical Association Conference, Corvallis, OR (August 2016).
Presentation title: Robust Weighted LAD-Adaptive group-LASSO for Functional Regression Model.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Lamar University Math department, TX (July 2016).
Presentation title: Robust Variable Selection Methods for Functional Regression Models.
World Congress of Probability and Statistics (WCS), Toronto, Ontario, Canada (July 2016).
Presentation title: Robust functional weighted LAD-adaptive group LASSO.
Southern Regional Conference of Statistics (SRCOS), Bentonville, AR (June 2016).
Presentation title: Investigating Students’ Misconceptions About Confidence Intervals.
Conference of Texas Statisticians (COTS), San Antonio, TX (April 2016).
Presentation title: Robust Weighted LAD-group-LASSO for Functional Regression Model.
Joint Mathematical Meeting (JMM), San Antonio, TX (January 2015).
Presentation title: Weighted LAD-group LASSO for Functional Linear Models.
Math Club Seminar, Lamar University Math Department, Beaumont, TX (October 2015).
Presentation title: Academic Career.
Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Boston, MA (August 2014).
Presentation title: Robust Variable Selection in Functional Linear Models.
Southern Regional Conference of Statistics (SRCOS), Galveston, TX (June 2014).
Presentation title: Robust Group-Lasso for Functional Regression Model.
Ninth Annual Mathematical & Statistical Conference at UNCG, Greensboro, NC (November 2013).
Presentation title: Challenges for Functional Group-Lasso.