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MATH 4380 Theory of Statistical Inference



SPRING 2018 (Sec: 01, N = 6)


Responses: Strongly Agree=5, Agree=4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, Strongly Disagree=1



Q1 The design of the course helped me achieve its learning objectives..............................................3.3

Q2 Overall, I learned a great deal from this course. ...............................................................................3.7

Q3 The course material was delivered clearly..........................................................................................4.2

Q4 The instructor was generally available to students seeking advice.................................................3.9

Q5 The instructor(s) stimulated my interest in the subject....................................................................3.9

Q6 The instructor's teaching aids/methods including technology helped students learn.................3.9

Q7 Overall, the instructor is a good teacher.............................................................................................4.3

Q8 Gives students the opportunity to participate in class discussions when appropriate.................4.3

Q9 Treats each student with dignity, consistence, and fairness.............................................................4.2

Q10 Papers, projects, and/or exams were graded and returned in a timely fashion..........................4.5

Q11 Additional comments – Strengths and areas for improvement.


  • Very knowledgeable about the topic.

  • Knowing the material when I had a question about the topics.

  • Dr. Pannu is very detailed in her explanations and easy to understand. She is also very knowledgeable and can answer even tough questions.

  • I learned more in Dr. Pannu's class about statistics than I ever have in any other class.

  • Mid way through semester, professor switched from slides to handwritten lecture notes on the board. I preferred this approached much better. Thanks!

  • Instructor was always nice and neat. Which maintains an approachable appearance.

  • Being able to break down the information about the topic. Like show different ways to get to the solution.



                                                                                               SPRING 2016 (Sec: 01, N = 4)


Responses: Strongly Agree=5, Agree=4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, Strongly Disagree=1



Q1 The design of the course helped me achieve its learning objectives..............................................5.0

Q2 Overall, I learned a great deal from this course. ...............................................................................5.0

Q3 The course material was delivered clearly..........................................................................................5.0

Q4 The instructor was generally available to students seeking advice.................................................5.0

Q5 The instructor(s) stimulated my interest in the subject....................................................................5.0

Q6 The instructor's teaching aids/methods including technology helped students learn.................5.0

Q7 Overall, the instructor is a good teacher.............................................................................................5.0

Q8 Gives students the opportunity to participate in class discussions when appropriate................5.0

Q9 Treats each student with dignity, consistence, and fairness............................................................5.0

Q10 Papers, projects, and/or exams were graded and returned in a timely fashion.........................5.0

Q11 Additional comments – Strengths and areas for improvement.


  • She loves what she does and is committed to engaging her students in a way that gets them to be inspired. I feel she is great about engaging students in all forms of teaching. She is awesome.

  • Some students may not like that she doesn't allow for students to work on other classes homework or be on their phones, but she is very reasonable and helped me stay motivated throughout the year by getting me to put up my phone on occasion.

  • She has such great potential and attitude. Encourage her to be more confident and bold. She needs to know that even though students may not look it at times, but they all respect her for how much care and effort she puts into teaching. Help her keep that attitude and stand up for her if she has one bad apple kid complain. It is rare that professors still care as much as she does, and it is refreshing. Her high expectation for her students is also great as it keeps them motivated to continue learning.

  • She excels at raising her student's effort which they apply to learn the course material.


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