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STAT 3610 - Probability and Statistics ll



                                                                                                SUMMER 2014 (Sec: 091, N = 30)


Responses: Strongly Agree=6, Agree=5, Slightly Agree=4, Slightly Disagree=3, Disagree=2, Strongly Disagree=1 


Q1 The Instructor encouraged me to think critically.............................................4.3

Q2 The grading techniques were fair.......................................................................4.9

Q3 The Instructor created a conducive atmosphere for learning........................4.4

Q4 The Instructor explained course material clearly.............................................4.0

Q5 The Instructor enhanced my interest in the subject........................................4.0

Q6 The Instructor was available and approachable outside of class...................4.9

Q7 The Instructor provided timely feedback on graded material........................5.0

Q8 The Instructor’s overall teaching effectiveness was….......................................4.1

Q9 Overall, my learning in the class was…...............................................................4.3

Q10 Additional comments – Strengths and areas for improvement.


  • I loved this class! Jas is a great teacher!!

  • I enjoyed this class very much. The examples in class and homework helped a lot, especially when studying for tests. She helped me understand the material and made sure those who cared about the class understood the material. She is very nice and I would strongly recommend taking a class with this teacher. She clearly cares about her students and made sure that everyone who was paying attention was learning.

  • Her mandatory participation policy which ties into our grade is ridiculous too. This isn't grade school, I'm paying to be here now. If I want to sit in the back and copy notes without ever once interacting with the professor, that's my right. I shouldn't be punished for not going up and working problems on the board in class. Encouraging participation is great; demanding it is not. That said, she obviously cares about how the class is doing, and made the class easy enough to understand.

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